Thursday, November 26, 2009

Geek Moment: Featured on Dance :D

Happy dance is exactly what we were doing on wednesday when we got the most wonderful e-mail from renowned photographer...and super duper flash guru... Matt Adcock. We are featured on his technique blog "" Matt and his wife Sol are truly inspiring photographers with a gift for off-camera flash photography... Pioneers of off-camera flash, we are honoured to be guest posting on there blog.

Thanks guys ;)

Below is a Carbon Copy of our FlashFlavor Post for those geeks out know who you are;

This location was a bit of a happy accident. We were shooting on location in The fabulous Summerland B.C. a holiday destination in the Oakanagan on a beautiful lake with lots of awesome mountains all around. But when Kat and I were scouting the day before we found this really wicked old church that totally inspired us to bring some Urban into this landscape rich destination. Ashley (our beautiful bride) is totally natural in front of the camera and needed very little direction. Cory (our super macho fireman groom) needed to do nothing more than gaze at his lovely bride to make the pose work.

The shot was lit with our trusty Norman 400B @ 400 w/s with the standard 2D reflector to turn the sun into a star. Kat held the Norman feather toward Ashley as she was a little further away. We had a bridesmaid hold an SB-28 @ full boogie & zoomed to 85mm for Cory's dark Jacket. Lighting gave an Exposure ISO 200 F/22 @ 1/250. We wanted to be one stop under "Sunny 16", so 1/200 (or 250) at ISO 200 at f/16 would be balanced with sunlight...and f/22 would be a stop under. We put a bit of a tilt on this one and shot at 24mm, we didn't want to totally warp the perspective. But the slight tilt and converging lines nicely puts emphasis on Ashley and, hopefully, the eye goes to her white dress first also.

The whole time we were just laughing a joking around with them too. We try never to take ourselves too seriously or act like lighting is a great science, getting technical in front of your clients is no way to help them relax.

Here is a case when our artistic vision was blessed with fantastic subject matter. We had been tossing around the idea of doing something fashiony with one of our brides as a creative in a downtown Urban Setting and maybe rent an insane or out there dress... you know something different. We love white...don't get us wrong. But who could pass up this opportunity. We showed up and saw our very own "Lady in Red" and had a blast for the rest of the day ;). This Image was largely inspired by the dress. I was just dying to make her float/fly....or jump in this thing and try to freeze the action with flash. And flash we did use....but jumping wasn't really an option in heels.

We had the idea to prop Faye up on the bench and then we though we aught to throw Greg (the groom) in there too. I mean duhhh, she ended up resting her feet on the bench and greg's knee. Heals got tossed (by Dan) and then cleverly put back in the shot (by Kat). We used a few people to help with this one. We knew we wanted two points of dramatic side light and thought is would be cool if the kicker could throw long shadows on the rather plain looking concrete floor, so we threw our Quantum T5D-r (with assistant) @ 1/2 power behind the Groom on Camera Left. To light everyone/thing from the front we gave a groomsmen an sb-28 zoomed wide to 24mm and set @ full power. To finish everything off Kat fluffed the dress and jumped out of frame in time for 1 shot. We shot 4 or 6 frames in total. Final Exposure was ISO 200 F/8 @ 1/250, shot at 35mm.

We just love manipulating our environment and create something remarkable. And we love to have fun! ;) :P

End Quote.... "dork" -said Kat.

Thanks Matt & Sol... you guys Rock! And thanks for letting us drop in on your blog ;)



Monday, November 9, 2009

Urban Wedding Gala: Whooopeeeee

Over the weekend we were part of the Urban Wedding Gala at the roundhouse in Yaletown. Thanks to everyone who came by to say "hi." Everyone was so nice and fun to chat with. Thanks everyone for the comments on our tower of vintage cameras too ;). We had everything from 1930's era Leicas to folding cameras to an old Hasselblad....which really isn't THAT old.....

Once again thanks to all, and hey check out Eric and the gang from Urban Wedding, they worked super hard and put on a great show.
