Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Travel: Welcome to Miami, Miami, Miami!

Well we don't really have a summer... you know being wedding photographers. So this is our summer! A week in Miami lying on beaches, eating fantastic food and enjoying a few drinks. We think that we deserve a little Veg time before a jam packed season!

We had a total blast and did not want to leave sunny and beautiful Miami for what was a rather rainy Vancouver when we got back. Hope you like the pics...

This was one of our favorite streets, is was all Mexican food.

A stunning self portrait.

One just wasn't enough....

For Dan either.

Lovely beach, lovey Kat.

A funny homeless man made the flower for Kat.

This is a crazy Bar that Dan saw and wanted to go in... then when we looked in we wanted to get away... far far away.

Anyways we're back now and catching up on some post production and e-mails. Sorry to all we may have left waiting.



Thursday, April 23, 2009

Travel: Toronto & New York City!!!

Okay, heading to Miami soon to meet up with Kat but first a few more days in Toronto and then New York. Not much downtime so blogging will be on the light side.

Toronto was a blast so many cool buildings, not overly impressed with the sushi however. And unfortunately it rained like every day... What gives?

New York.... Oh how I love thee. I'm absolutely in love with this City. Once again no time to blog but here is a shot I took walking over the Brooklyn Bridge at dusk. Now off I go to Miami and 30 degree heat and beaches an KAT!!!



Sunday, April 19, 2009

Travel: Montreal

Just got back to Toronto from Montreal and I'm in full on recovery mode. I was in Montreal from Sunday to Sunday but I had no free time at all except for Monday when I checked out old Montreal and took it all in.

What a beautiful city. I can tell why Kat loves it so much. Was just loving the beautiful old architecture everywhere. It was Easter Monday when I took these snaps, so no one was around. The rest of the week we enjoyed fantastic local food every day in many local restaurants and felt welcomed by the generosity and excellent service at the Opus Hotel.

After Monday I didn't have a spare minute to do anything else, my schedule was jammed packed with pre-production, location scouting, and shooting for the rest of the week. I feel like sleeping for a day or two.



Saturday, April 11, 2009

Travel: Toronto

Woot woot... 6 hours on a plane, 30 minutes on a bus, 45 minutes on 2 trains and a street car for 15 mintues but I (Dan) finally got to Felix's place where he snapped this one of me looking a little tired. It was a bit of a long day.

Felix's subjects are usually a little better looking, check him out!!!

We grabbed a quick bite and re-capped lost time at a nearby Thai place in Leslieville, our server grabbed this shot for us....

And what evening is complete without a quick dusk grab shot. Already love the character of this City. Every thing is old, brick and has a story.

Okay Jet-lagg recovery time, till next time.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Travel: X marks the spot!

5 planes + 2 six hour drives + 1 twelve hour train = fun fun fun!

One trip, turning to another, and another... and somehow all of April is gone...
We'll certainly have a blast while we're away though.

Dan's leaving first on Saturday, bound for Toronto (stop #1) to hang with friend and excellent photog Dexter Quinto for a week of shooting for UFC in Montreal (stop #2). After which, back to Toronto (stop #3...well kinda) for another few days enjoying the local culture and hanging with other pal and super photog Felix Wong.

From There.... dun dunnn dunnnnnn...!

Off to New York City (stop #4...if you count Toronto twice), for a week of meetings, shooting, and Hawt Dawwggzzz. (how do you type a NY accent?) Anywho... Yippee!

From there, we're meeting up in Miami for a quickie VACATION!!! It will be a week of beaches, 30 degree heat (that's ummm celcius) and ink...

Much needed because as soon as we're back, it's May and wedding madness begins, good madness though!

We'll keep you posted, stay tuned for trip images ;)
